Navegador web Brave establecido por defecto, Firefox stable sigue disponible en los repositorios.
En CuerdOS Standard se ha establecido Sway Notification Center como nuevo gestor de notificaciones.
CuerdOS Legacy ahora trae por defecto el plugin Clipman para Xfce4.
Actualización de firmwares próximamente mediante “apt update”.
Select-Install deprecado debido a la descontinuación del paquete NHS de kernel.
Mejora en la configuración del instalador Calamares, facilitando la selección de diferentes sistemas de archivos sin necesidad de particionado manual.
Cessna 1.2
Waydroid support enabled.
Kernel with patch to improve performance (BORE and Ananicy service).
Optimized system boot speed.
Select-install installer, for kernel selection (and ISO Standard window manager).
New animation from Plymouth, CuerdOS-simple, returning to the origins where less is more.
Improved theme consistency between QT programs in GTK environments and vice versa.
The Kisak Mesa drivers with their repository are set by default.
Default Nvidia driver installer in both versions (Legacy and Standard).
Preload deprecated to find other more consistent optimizations.
Changes in the system software suite.
Cessna 1.1
There is now support for the BTRFS file system (already added in the latest CuerdOS 1.0 maintenance ISO).
BTRFS is now the default file system through the Calamares installer.
Image updated with the latest updates.
Xanmod kernel support in the repository has been dropped to make way for the new CuerdOS kernel, a low lattency kernel customized to provide good performance, offered in this iso version 6.6.23.
Preload is installed and configured by default.
I3 and Sway configurations have been moved to the i3-config-reloaded and sway-config-reloaded packages, as they have such different configurations that can cause problems in CuerdOS 1.0.
New wallpapers available, plus there is now the possibility to install extra wallpapers created by the community using the "community-wallpapers" package.
New packages available in the repository.
Some programs have been pinned to the taskbar in CuerdOS-Legacy, in order to make it easier for the user to see them.
Deleted and pre-installed programs in the ISO: Pinta (GIMP replacement), Minitube, Feh (Nitrogen replacement for I3), DosBox games replaced by native programs.
New Welcome screen, this program provides more information about the distribution and its preinstalled software.
Other minor changes.
Cessna 1.0
ISO updated to Debian 12.4.
Changed LS and CAT to LSD and BAT, forks that improve the functions and experience with these terminal programs.
New programs for system administration: cuerdos-control-panel, cups-switch and setup-repos.
Changed the kernel offered by Debian to the Xanmod LTS V1 kernel, as it offers better performance and compatibility, as well as following our philosophy.
Added several games like Doom (shareware), Tetris (fanmade) and Pacman (fanmade) from DosBox, we are avant-garde but we like retro too.
New color theme for Gedit.
Updated Sway and I3 configurations.
New edition with Xfce flavor, called CuerdOS-Legacy.
New arcade style wallpaper available.
Cessna Release Candidate
Debian 12 (bookworm) move completed.
Now there is an I3 and Sway focused release, and an Xfce focused release (XFCE edition coming soon).
We switched Thunar to Nemo as it supports both Wayland and Xorg natively.
Some programs like Osmo (Calendar) and Galculator (Calculator) have been added.
New menu and powermenu based on Rofi.
Conky was added in both sessions to make keyboard shortcuts easier for users (on the sourceforge web site you can see the screenshots).
Bauh graphical application store packaged in Deb.
New applications available in the repositories (ArmCord, Autofirma (Junta de Andalucía), VirtualBox).
Cessna Beta
New display manager tty based with Wayland support (Ly).
Sway window manager has been integrated to support Wayland.
Calamares can now create a user.
Apt-fast integration over Apt.
Engrampa has been exchanged for File-roller, as it supports Wayland.
Bugs with retained packages fixed.
Desktop backgrounds bug fixed.
New GTK themes (CuerdOS-Evergreen and CuerdOS-Mentolado light mode).
Cessna Alpha2
Changed Systemback installer to Calamares installer.