CuerdOS Spins

What are CuerdOS Spins?

CuerdOS Spins are variations of the distro with alternative desktop environments to the original project and a selection of applications of their own, thus offering different ways to experience CuerdOS. These projects are developed by members of the community.

spins logos

spins logos KuerdOS

captura de pantalla de kuerdos

spins logos CuerdOS Shell

captura de pantalla de cuerdos-shell

spins logos CuerdOS LXQt

captura de pantalla de cuerdos lxqt

spins logos CuerdOS Mate

captura de pantalla de cuerdos mate

spins logos CuerdOS CinnamiX

captura de pantalla de cuerdos-cinnamix

spins logos CuerdOS Budgie

captura de pantalla de cuerdos-budgie

These editions were created and are mainly maintained by Gatoverde95.